Handwritten letter wrote by George Hume to Mariano Andreu (22/6/1950)



Abstract: This is a photocopy of the handwritten letter wrote by the General Manager and Licensee of The Memorial Theatre, George Hume, to Mariano Andreu, dated in the envelope (22/6/1950), in which he conveys the success of Much Ado About Nothing. Everyone in London talks about Mariano Andreu’s magnificent costumes and theatrical stages and asks if he would be willing to sell his drawings of the work separately.

Resumen: Fotocopia de la carta manuscrita del General Manager and Licensee of The Memorial Theatre, George Hume, a Mariano Andreu, fechada en el sobre (22/6/1950), en la cual le transmite el éxito de Much Ado About Nothing. Todos en Londres hablan de los magníficos decorados y vestuario diseñados por Mariano Andreu y le pregunta si estaría dispuesto a vender sus dibujos de la obra por separado.